Lumber Spondylosis

Spondylosis is a term referring to degenerative osteoarthritis of the joints between the center of the spinal vertebrae and neural foramina. It may cause pressure on nerve roots with subsequent sensory and motor disturbances. It affects the lower spine. The spine is compromised by a narrowing of the space between the vertebrae, causing a variety of health problems ranging from back pain to neurological issues.

Cause -

1. Age related degeneration
2. Older people are more susceptible.

Symptom -

1. Pain
2. Paresthesia
3. Muscle weakness in the limbs
4. Radiculopathy
5. Severe pain in the back and leg
6. Myelopathy
7. Gait dysfunction
8. Loss of balance
9. Loss of bowel and bladder control.

Investigation -

1. Physical Examination
2. X-rays films
3. CT scans
4. MRI of the lumbar spine.

Physiotherapy -

1. Muscle strengthening and stretching exercises.
2. Specific exercises which, when performed daily, may help strengthen the back and abdominal muscles and prevent recurrent pain
3. Advance modalities for pain relief.
4. Ergonomic Advices.
5. Spinal Manipulation but certain patients should not undergo spinal manipulation for safety reasons. Specifically, patients with inflammatory arthritis involving the spine, such as ankylosing spondylitis and in some cases, rheumatoid arthritis, should not undergo spinal manipulation due to a small but serious risk of damage to the spinal cord.